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Primary KS2




































































































Yellow class and Platinum class – pupils will be working on individual and small group reading, sharing and recording weekend news and communication games and activities. Pupils will encounter a range of texts including The Three Little Pigs, The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig, Super Duper You!, Can I Build Another Me ? I Like Bees but I Don’t Like Honey! And What Makes Me Me? 

In ‘ My Communication ’ sessions pupils will be learning about being them in the world. They will learn to recognise and know their own name, show and communicate about their favourite toy or activity, identify and share how they are feeling, talk about the class rules and how we can be a good friend. Pupils will then move on to focus on celebrating differences. They will start to recognise what they are good at and that everyone is good at something different. They will begin to recognise that families are all different. They will be explore different types of homes.

In ‘ My Drama ; sessions pupils will participate in interactive drama games, pretending to use items and describing. Hold stillness whilst their character is in role and develop conversation across the space. They will also play interactive movement and sound games, experimenting with different styles of conversation and body shapes.

Green class – focus will be on writing personal accounts, descriptive writing, poetry, writing messages, writing instructions and information text. Pupils will be developing their Phonics skills through Little Wandle. They will be sharing a range of Fiction and Non-Fiction texts ( whole class, groups and individual ). Pupils will also be accessing the library. Pupils will be developing their speaking and listening skills through blanks questioning and lego therapy.

Pink class and Purple class pupils will be exploring reading through individual or small group sessions. Pupils will be sharing and recording weekend news. The focus texts for this term are Three Little Pigs and The Gingerbread Man. Pupils will develop speaking and listening skills through various communication games and activities. Pupils will be participating in both the Curiosity Programme and Attention Autism sessions to focus on developing their attention and concentration.

In ‘ My Communication ’ sessions pupils will be learning about being them in the world. They will learn to recognise and know their own name, show and communicate about their favourite toy or activity, identify and share how they are feeling, talk about the class rules and how we can be a good friend. Pupils will then move on to focus on celebrating differences. They will start to recognise what they are good at and that everyone is good at something different. They will begin to recognise that families are all different. They will be explore different types of homes.

Yellow class and Platinum class – counting and properties of number, measurement – money and length. Measurement – capacity and 3D and 2D shape. Some pupils will be working on multiplication and division and fractions.

Green class – number and place value, measurement – money and addition and subtraction. Some pupils will be working on multiplication and division and fractions.

Pink class and Purple class  counting and properties of number and measurement – money and length. Some pupils will be working on addition and subtraction. Measurement – capacity and 3D and 2D shape. Some pupils will be working on multiplication and division and fractions.

Yellow class and Platinum class – through ‘ The World About Me ’ area of the curriculum pupils will be learning about different people in the world, people who are important to me and why they are important. Pupils will be developing an understanding of friendships and family - a global community.

Green class – pupils will be exploring plants and animals this term. They will be identifying the names of plants and animals, their habitats and their features.

Pink class and Purple class  through ‘ The World About Me ’  area of the curriculum pupils will be learning about different people in the world, people who are important to me and why they are important. Pupils will be developing an understanding of friendships and family - a global community.

Yellow class and Platinum class – pupils will be learning the different aspects of a computer and they will be develop their skills in learning how to control technology. Pupils will also be learning how to use a range of multimedia to create artwork, sounds and music.

Green class – pupils will be learning to use the internet, using IT to communicate with others  – FaceTime, mobile phones and walkie talkies. Within E-Safety pupils will be focusing on self-image and identity and learning how to manage online information safely.

Pink class and Purple class pupils will be learning the different aspects of a computer and they will be develop their skills in learning how to control technology. Pupils will also be learning how to use a range of multimedia to create artwork, sounds and music.

Yellow class and Platinum class – through ‘ The World About Me ’ area of the curriculum pupils will be learning about different people in the world, people who are important to me and why they are important. Pupils will be developing an understanding of friendships and family - a global community.

Green class – Geography : The Local Area - Bordon and for History : Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age In Britain

Pink class and Purple class  through ‘ The World About Me ’  area of the curriculum pupils will be learning about different people in the world, people who are important to me and why they are important. Pupils will be developing an understanding of friendships and family - a global community.

Yellow class and Platinum class – pupils will be learning a range of Harvest and Christmas Songs. They will be focusing on pulse and rhythmic patterns - musical games and singing/ call-and-response. Pupils will be identifying simple rhythms to familiar songs/ poems and learning how to represent these rhythms using graphic notation.

Green class – pupils will be listening, appraising and composing Music. Pupils will be learning a range of celebration songs throughout the year to coincide with religious festivals and celebrations. Pupils will also be using sounds in storytelling and exploring Musical technology.

Pink class and Purple class  pupils will be learning a range of Harvest and Christmas Songs. They will be focusing on pulse and rhythmic patterns - musical games and singing/ call-and-response. Pupils will be identifying simple rhythms to familiar songs/ poems and learning how to represent these rhythms using graphic notation.

Yellow class and Platinum class – pupils will be developing ball skills and they will be developing creative movement through gymnastics.

Green class – pupils will be developing ball skills and they will also be swimming. Pupils will also be developing creative movement through gymnastics. Pupils will have the opportunity to access horse riding this term as well.

Pink class and Purple class pupils will be developing ball skills and they will be developing creative movement through gymnastics.

Yellow class and Platinum class – Through ‘ The World About Me ’ area of the curriculum pupils will be learning about Diwali: Hindu festival of light. They will be sharing the story of Rama and Sita. Pupils will also be focusing on Christmas festivities around the world.

Green class – pupils will be learning about Christianity and Judaism. They will also be developing an understanding of the importance of Christmas and birthdays.

Pink class and Purple class  Through ‘ The World About Me ’ area of the curriculum pupils will be learning about Diwali: Hindu festival of light. They will be sharing the story of Rama and Sita. Pupils will also be focusing on Christmas festivities around the world.


All pupils will be focusing on various special days including Remembrance, Bonfire Night and Harvest.

Yellow class and Platinum class – Collage - pattern, texture, and form. Pupils will be copy and continuing patterns, identifying objects by shape and differing size. In painting pupils will be exploring primary and secondary colours and they will be mixing primary colours to create new colours.

Green class – DT – Mechanisms ( Birthday Cards And Christmas Cards ). Art – exploring Landscapes ( JMW Turner ) chalk pastels, oil pastels, watercolour and photography. FT – Using Fruit And Vegetables ( Cutting, Peeling, Mixing And Blending )

Pink class and Purple class  Collage - pattern, texture, and form. Pupils will be copy and continuing patterns, identifying objects by shape and differing size. In painting pupils will be exploring primary and secondary colours and they will be mixing primary colours to create new colours.

Yellow class and Platinum class – Being me in my world and celebrating difference ( see my communication section ).

Green class – Self-Awareness Self-Care, Support And Safety.

Pink class and Purple class  Being me in my world and celebrating difference ( see my communication section ).

Yellow class and Platinum class – Orienteering : promote free exploration and investigation – use positional language. Creativity : minibeasts within the environment.

Green class – Orienteering : promote free exploration and investigation – use positional language. Creativity : insects and plants within the environment.

Pink class and Purple class  Orienteering : promote free exploration and investigation – use positional language. Creativity : minibeasts within the environment.

Yellow class, Platinum class, Pink class and Purple class  Pupils explore objects as they are intended to be used : toys and games that have a specific purpose e.g. dolls, cars, tea sets. Pupils will play games: Simon Says, What’s the time Mr Wolf, Musical chairs. Pupils will develop turn taking, sharing and interaction with others.

Yellow class, Platinum class, Pink class and Purple class

My Cooking - making basic foods and drinks, collecting equipment, recognising dangers in the kitchen and washing up.

My Shopping - role play and modelling.

My Dressing & Undressing - developing an understanding of washing and getting dressed.

My Travel Training - to move around school safely.

Yellow class and Platinum class

My Creativity - memory building and sabotage - show awareness of a simple sequence

My Creativity memory building and sabotage - be involved in getting a favourite item from its usual place