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Behaviour for Learning and Zones of Regulation

At Hollywater we develop good behaviour for learning for all by:

  • Ensuring all children are praised for behaving well 
  • Weekly target setting with individualised linked reward systems
  • Giving our pupils/students choices and time to decide
  • Knowing our pupils/students, their learning styles and any difficulties
  • Talking positively and careful use of language, signing and symbols to support
  • Clear rules, routines & expectations, role modelling and consistent use of strategies by staff
  • Teaching pupils/students about consequences   
  • Providing opportunities to apologise or holding restorative justice sessions as appropriate
  • Annual training for staff

Some pupils may need some additional individualised support to manage the development of their behaviour, and to target a specific behaviour or behaviours that are having an impact on their learning. These are called IPBMP documents.

Individual Positive Behaviour Management Plans (IPBMP) are drawn up in consultation with the class team, behaviour lead teachers and parents, targeting a specific behaviour intervention which is monitored and reviewed regularly by staff, pupils and parents.

Some pupils may need further support when dysregulated and they may have a PHP  -a positive handling plan. If this is the case then a consultation with parents would be made and parents/ carers invited in to school to meet and discuss.

We also use Zones of Regulation at Hollywater to support pupils to be able to identify their own emotions and feelings and subsequently how their feelings can impact their actions.

Zones of Regulation is a programme which groups different emotions in coloured ‘Zones’ It Supports pupils to learn self regulation skill and supports pupils to identify their own feelings and behaviour.

There are different stages of teaching pupils to use the Zones of Regulation:

1. Identify feelings and alertness in others.

2. Identify feelings and alertness in self.

3. Exploring tools for a ‘toolbox’ -  things that help the individual pupil in different situations.

4. Identify how pupils feel and use tools with adult support.

5. To be independent in self-regulating  - A key life skill! 

All classes use the Zones of Regulation feelings boards, as appropriate to each individual class for pupils to identify and indicate their emotions throughout the day. Pupils have access to a ‘ toolbox’ of strategies appropriate to each individual. The style and presentation of these will vary dependent on the class group and needs of individual pupils. For some, this may be a physical box of resources and for some it may be a symbolised pack.  

 Examples below:


Link to the Zones of Regulation website for further information is below.

If you have any questions regarding the management of behaviour at Hollywater School, please contact A Appleton via the school office on 01420 474396 or