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Occupational Therapy

NHS Occupational therapists visit school to review pupils who have OT as part of their EHCP provision. Occupational therapists are responsible for reviewing pupil's specialist seating in school and ensuring that needs are met in relation to developing motor skills so pupils can become as independent as possible. 

Private therapist in school: 

Some pupils may have therapists that are being funded privately. These therapists are welcome to visit pupils within school and liaise with staff.   We ask that therapists make contact with the school prior to visiting so we can ensure that the pupil is available, we can check that carers are aware of visits and we can ensure that there is a room available.    At the time of contact, school will ensure that a private therapist can meet our safeguarding requirements. 

Referrals / Re-referrals: 

Referrals or re-referrals to NHS therapy services can be made by carers or school in liaison with carers.   Please contact the SENCO if you feel this needs to be done for your child. 

MOVE Programme: 

The MOVE programme is implemented for some pupils in school. 

The MOVE Programme is an activity-based framework that enables disabled young people to gain independent sitting, standing, walking and transferring skills. The programme is underpinned by three key principles:

  • Opportunities 
  • Motivation 
  • Progress

The 6 Steps of MOVE

The MOVE Programme champions a holistic approach that places the child and their family at the centre and encourages collaboration between education and therapy to work towards the same meaningful goals. To keep everyone on the same page, the programme is built around 6 steps:

  1. Assessment: Where is the child now?
  2. Goal Setting: Where do they want to get to?
  3. Task Analysis: How can we break the goal down into bitesize chunks?
  4. Prompt Measurement: What support is currently needed?
  5. Prompt Adjustment: How can we adjust the support to reach their goal?
  6. Teaching the Skills: How do we include skills practise into daily routines?

(MOVE Website, Accessed 22/08/2024)